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(new passwords must be<br>7 characters or more)
PCC LEAH Registration
Your membership will await confirmation until all paperwork is processed by PCC LEAH Chapter Leaders. You also must agree to the statement of faith (below), enter your children's information, and submit payment. You will also need to go to Homeschool New York State LEAH website <a href="">(</a> and sign up for your state membership for $30 unless you have already done so to complete your membership.
<span id="AccountInformation">Account Information</span>
Login Email
Password Confirmation
(passwords must be 7 characters or more)
Contact Information
Parent(s) First Names
Family Last Name
Street Address
Zip Code
Mom's Email
Mom's Cell Phone
Dad's Email
Dad's Cell Phone
Current Church
Active in Ministry
Area(s) of Ministry
Check if you don't approve PCC LEAH to use pictures of your family for the website.
Educational Information
School District Name
Curricula Used
How did you hear about us?
Parent's Vocations and Skills
Member of HSLDA
I'd like more information about Friday Co-Op
Friday CoOp Description Hidden
Legislative Information
Federal Congressional District
NY Senate District
NY Assembly District
Volunteer Selection
I have read and agree to the volunteer guidelines below and am ready to make my volunteer selections. I understand that I'm only obligated to participate in one volunteer effort, however we are also encouraged to help out where there are needs.
Volunteer First Choice
Please make a volunteer selection.
Volunteer Second Choice
Please make a volunteer selection.
Volunteer Third Choice
Please make a volunteer selection.
Volunteer Comment
Statement of Faith
I attest to the PCC LEAH Statement of Faith
Proceed to the Next Registration Step
<i>Please remember your login email and password. They will be used to log into this site later.<br>You will be prompted to add your children and payment information once you proceed to the next registration step.</i>
Full Name